Hoof Abscess
Hoof abscess are probably the most common cause of acute lameness in horses. Excessive moisture contribute to weakness in the sole-wall junction (hite line) allowing infectious agents such as bacteria or fungal elements to gain entry into the hoof through the white line. If left untreated the abscess will follow the path of least resistance […]
Head Shaking
All horses shake or toss their heads from time to time. Some horses, however, exhibit the behaviour far more often than others. In cases where head shaking is so frequent or violent that it interferes with the horse’s comfort or use, an effort should be made to uncover and eliminate cause. Tracking down the reason […]
Hairy Caterpillars and Abortions
Hairy caterpillars are now proven causes of horse abortions and the birth of sick foals. Breeding horses is a roller coaster ride and over the years the improvements in management by owners, information and research available to veterinarians, vaccinations and the availability of advanced equiptment, has lead to improvements in breeding success and efficiency. One […]
Greasy Heel
Greasy heel is characterised by greasy, cracked or inflamed skin on the heels and rear of the pasterns. It is often referred to as ‘mud fever’ where horses develop the condition when standing in muddy yards and paddocks during rainy weather. In severe cases, the lesions may extend up the cannon area, usually in the […]
Foaling It is very important to be familiar with the behaviour of a normal healthy foal so you can recognise signs of illness should they occur. Behaviour after birth immediately after birth, the foal shakes its head a few times and makes floundering movements in its endeavours to sit up or to stand on its […]
Equine Dental Disease
Dental Care Routine dental care should be performed annually by an equine veterinarian. Overview Horses have up to 44 teeth, and these teeth continue to erupt throughout life. While the teeth are generally worn down through chewing, most horses develop enamel points and hooks as normal patterns of wear. These may require routine floating every […]
Dental Care
Caring for your horse’s mouth Why is it important for my horse to have regular dental examinations? An oral examination is an essential part of your horse’s physical examination performed by a veterinarian. Dental and oral problems are not uncommon in horses and many of these conditions lead to chronic pain in the horse. This […]
Equine Cushings Disease (or PPID)
What is PPID? Today, Equine Cushings Disease is often described more accurately as PPID (Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction), a hormonal dysfunction in horses. PPID causes the horse’s pituitary gland to produce an excess of hormones. Hormones are chemical substances produced by one part of the body, and used to control the function of another part […]
Chewing rails, feeders and doors is a common habit in horses confined to stables and yards when fed mainly on concentrate diets. Horses at pasture will occasionally chew rails and trees, particularly during wet or cold weather. Many horses will chew and may ring bark young trees in early spring, presumably because the sweet juicy […]
Chewing And Biting Habits
Chewing rails, feeders and doors is a common habit in horses confined to stables and yards when fed mainly on concentrate diets. Horses at pasture will occasionally chew rails and trees, partularly during wet or cold weather. Many horses will chew and may ring bark young trees in early spring, presumably because the sweet juicy […]